Season Eight Finale

As schedule American Idol Season 8 Finale face off would be May 19 - 20, 2009. A two part finale event, first day would be their performance day and next day would be the announcement of votes between this two idols. It's a head to head between Kris Allen and Adam Lambert American Idol Season Eight Finalist.

A bit of information about the two finalist.

Kris Allen (23 years old, Conway AR)
Audition City: Louisville, KY
Favorite Quote: "We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible" -Vince Lombardi

Adam Lambert (26 years old, Los Angeles CA)
Audition City: San Francisco, CA
Favorite Quote: "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace" -Jim Hendrix

Who would be this years next idol, coming from thirteen finalist now trimmed down to be the best two. Who would emerged to be this season number one. Vote for the one who you have taught to deserved the spot as season eight number one. Watch out for the Finale.

Winziph bet: Adam Lambert, let us see if am I right.

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