NBA 2009 Finals is over and it really shows out that Orlando has no match with Kobe's domination as this years unstoppable player. With the win of Los Angeles Lakers it has just showed that basketball is about one great team play. Anyway enough of complimenting this years NBA Champion lets go with what Orlando could be proud of. Ever come across this year EA Sports NBA cover? yup you are right this years NBA LIVE 10 cover is none other than NBA's Superman Dwight Howard. I'm sure Dwight deserves to be NBA LIVE 10 cover for he shows true sportsmanships and had never been part of any trouble during the game. As for the record Dwight gains to be an excellent player, he had been the best defensive player and as NBA Slam dunck contest winner. Most probably Black Mamba had just carried along a piece of kryptonite during the finals lol. that is why Superman got nothing during the game. It had been a struggle with Orlando to achieve the promising trophy and NBA's title as Champion. Maybe this is just not their time to shine and be the number one. In fairness they had beaten one of my favorite finalist for this year finals LeBron James of the Cleaveland Cavaliers. Anyway Orlando must be as well happy reaching his step of gaining a chance to prove himself and be part of a new NBA history. Wish for them to be lucky enough and improve more this new season of NBA. And I'm really excited to check out what would NBA LIVE 10 new to offer, bet new additions would be included with this NBA Craze game.
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