Quarterly Google update its blogs or websites page ranking. And as of today April 2009, Google updated each blogs ranking as per how Google view your site. Luckily, Winziph was awarded a Page Rank 2 rating as per Google. It seem so lucky with me as new to the industry of blogging to receive my very first ever ranking with Google. Though it may look too low with other blogs I would like to recognize Winziph - Zipping In blog efforts achieving its first step in the industry and hopes to increase as day goes by. Everyone starts from zero and everyone have its own chances to prove its worth. And as I am expecting Winziph tries to give its 100% in everything it needs to do to provide good quality traffics around the blogosphere. From here I really wanted to acknowledge the person who inspires Winziph to start blogging this is non other than "Think Of Me!"Mr. Tom. Thank you very much Sir Tom probably this is my second time acknowledging Sir Tom efforts on giving me inspiration to start blogging. Anyway I would also wanted to acknowledge everyone who had been part of Winziph. I really appreciates everyone who have been actively participating Winziph's Blog journey. Thank you very much. By the way to know more about those who link with me you could check my Portal button above this blog or you could check it here. Anyway for all those who are interested linking with, you are welcome and be part of Winziph growing portals just buzz me up so that I would know. Everyone is welcome and all I would like to request is your continuous active participation and support. Your spare time to share knowledge and the bond that we could build as time pass by. Probably one of the greatest strategy to gain something here in the blogosphere is your ability to share and be link with someone that shares similar views. Thanks for spending some of your time. Happy Blogging.
Congratulations! Anyways, I joined the Ms Recipe Spring Fling Contest and I won a 125 ad space for one month from you. I'm so happy. Thank you so much. Here's my EC profile http://entrecard.com/user/22902/
April 5, 2009 at 12:37 PM
Thank you for the special mention. I really appreciate it.
And, congratulations for your PR2. Just keep on blogging.
BTW, you may check the iBlog5
Chronic Chick Talk
April 6, 2009 at 7:29 PM
Congrats on your new page rank. Enjoy your blogging and keep up the hard work.
April 6, 2009 at 11:08 PM
We've both been awarded pagerank 2 by google. ;)
April 7, 2009 at 4:45 AM
Congrats bro! Just keep on blogging!
Gina lee
April 7, 2009 at 2:50 PM
Anyways, I joined the Ms Recipe Spring Fling Contest and I won a 125 ad space for one month from you. I'm so happy. Thank you so much.
Here's my EC profile
April 8, 2009 at 2:23 AM
Congratulations on your current page rank.Keep doing what you love!