A website with content thrives on the traffic it drives to the site. Most websites, especially smaller ones that are interested in making money, work with an advertising network and get money on a pay-per-click basis. This means that for every 1000 clicks a website might make 5 dollars.
For others, driving traffic to the site isn't about making money. It has far more to do with getting the word out about your website. It's about getting people interested in what you are interested in. Driving traffic to your website is paramount in getting your message out there and getting a little extra money in your pocket. There are some tips on getting traffic to your site. These are easy things that don't require the help of an outside firm. All you need is some time and a little dedication.
Be A Reader
The best way to get people to read your content is to read other peoples' content. Go to another person's blog where you can leave feedback where their topic, say online games, is directly or indirectly related to yours. Make a thoughtful comment about their blog so they see that you aren't just link bombing, then let them know you have a unique opinion of your own and drop the link. This will attract far more readers than you think.
Use More Hyperlinks
When people do stumble upon your blog, it might be nice to have hyper links in there so that people can click on that content and be forwarded to either older content you've posted or content that others have posted. This is a good way pad the stats on your site a little bit as well as give readers a chance to see there is more than just that post and they should search around for more.
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